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Nov 16, 2009

Bass Fingering How To Practice

1. The first step before starting the exercise habit to warm up with stretching the joints of our hand.

2. Starting from a slow tempo. Always check the fingering patterns which will in practice to master too. Do not push your fingers to press too hard on the bass neck. Pressure on the ideal bass strings to produce a good sound but the finger is still controlled with the start of the slow tempo until you find the ideal pressure.
3. After all controlled from the exercise using the metronome at a slow pace of about 80 beats / min. Then give your time to train at this pace for about 3 minutes to 5 minutes, "Remember do not spoil our fingers, cape fair bit". And the most important thing is not to much to stop, try within the 3 minutes you do not halting train one fingering pattern.
4. Gradually raise the tempo with a metronome and do a pattern like the steps above. Find out your speed limit, ie with the highest speed but still under control and the sound tone remains unclear. speed will be obtained after the power of our fingers well established. So do not push the speed if you are an ideal power has not been established. Remember the tempo / speed whatever your body must remain relaxed. and the fulcrum of power in your fingers and hands.
5. There is nothing instant in training fingering bass, one of the conditions is consistent. Do the patterns of daily exercise at least 1 hour you train fingering. And do not try to jump on the new fingering patterns before the patterns are at present studying truly maximal. Continue to develop fingering patterns are more challenging, according to your needs in playing bass.
6. Relax, enjoy, patient, Thingking positive, consistent, disciplined, creative. will speed things up and you will be amazed to see your progress. All came through the process we are not great.

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